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DEADLINES, the first in Chris Dunn’s Contango series, traces the bid of raw young City reporter, Tom Stone, to crack the secret of a spectacular City swindle mounted by Wolf de Boys, the brilliant young financier.

Tom has big problems: his relationship with his upwardly mobile girlfriend, under pressure from her snobbish parents, is dying a slow death; a mysterious caller, whose deep voice somehow sounds familiar, and who keeps dropping hints about de Boys; and his fight to keep his job on the Daily Standard.  Writing the ‘splash’ is never easy in Fleet Street.  Can Tom Stone crack his story and and pull it off...?
Fast-moving and exciting, DEADLINES reveals the squalor of Fleet Street of the seventies, and the connection between the city and its scandals and the workings of the press. 

The Wall Street Journal says:

‘The books offer a marvellous romp through the worlds of journalism, espionage, and finance...  The pace and spirit of the novels are superb...  The struggle between the invading forces and the staid gentility of the British establishment gives the novels much of their action...  It is the underlying theme of class conflict that truly drives [the series].  The attempts by the characters to break free from Britain’s predetermined pigeonholes  and alter their destinies gives the novels their deeper grip...Roll on the sequel.’ 


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